Baker Home and School Club
Who We Are
The Baker Home and School Club (HSC) is a place where parents and teachers come together to share ideas and create an enriching school experience for our Baker Bobcats. Like a PTA, the HSC is run by parent volunteers - except we don't have exclusive members. All of our Baker families are invited to join in and participate in HSC meetings, events and volunteer opportunities. We fundraise throughout the year to support our programs, and to bring more exciting ones to Baker. We can't do any of it without our wonderful Baker parents though, so take a look around and come be a part of it all!
Donate To Baker's HSC
Baker Bobcats Art Show!
Wednesday, January 15th
When: 6pm -7pm
Where: MU Room at Baker
Kona Ice
Wednesday, January 15th
Coffee with the Principal and Assistant Principal
Wednesday, January 15th
Stop by after drop off to spend time with Mrs. Naylor and Ms. Wiley!
Friday, January 17th
Walk n’ Roll is a program designed to increase the number of kids who walk and bike to school.
On Friday, January 17th, Baker will be having our very own Walk n' Roll event! Students are encouraged to safely walk or roll to school. Children, parents, or others with disabilities are invited to participate by arriving however they are able to!
Spirit Day!
Friday, January 24th
Show your Bobcat spirit with wacky hair!
Home and School Club General Meeting!
Thursday, January 23rd
You're Invited!
All Baker Parents are invited to attend the Baker Home and School Club General meeting on Thurdsay, January 23rd at 8:15am. It's located in room 8 on campus.